Definition of methodology and tools


Study of existing initiatives connected to Social Farming in Germany

There had been already three master theses supervised by the German partner about prison farming in Germany that contain basic information, as well as a project in which an eco-social prison farms gets implemented in the prison of Torgau/ Saxonia. Furthermore, a first internet search via the search engine “Google” was conducted in German language. The terms “agriculture”, “prison”, “prison farm”, “prison garden”, “rural”, “education”, “social inclusion”, “ecological inclusion”, “processing food”, “food supply in prisons”, “empowerment”, “organic prison farm”, “prison and inclusion”, “employability”, “landscape care”, “sustainability”, “green/sustainable development”, “work therapy”, “animal assisted therapy”, “garden therapy”, “biodiversity”, “prison kitchen” and “Germany” were put into the search engine at the beginning. In a second round the name of the prisons that were found during the first search round and the term “agriculture” were added in order to being able to find out more detailed information on the respective initiatives.

Study of prison types in Germany

A rough overview over different types of prisons in Germany has been found on Wikipedia. More (scientific) literature could be searched in the future.

Study of the Occupations of Prison Staff and Characteristics of Prisoners

A first internet search was conducted via “Google”, and additional information provided by the theses mentioned above was considered.

Study of Scientific Publications on Social Farming in Prisons in Germany

Some relevant papers were already discovered by Petrarca before the project work of  “Ecofarms4prisons” started. An additional internet search via “Google Scholar” was conducted in German and in English language. The search terms that were entered into the search engine were “prison”, “Germany”, “agriculture”, “horticulture” and/or “landscape development”. Only scientific literature that was published between the years 2012 and 2024 has been considered for the purpose of the elaboration of the present report.

Study of the Sustainability of the different Initiatives and Investigation on the Role of Landscape Care, Landscape Development, Biotopes and Biodiversity

Only very little information regarding those topics has been found in the theses above.