Project Information

The Erasmus+ project “EcoFarms4Prisons” – Cooperation for the improvement of sustainable and organic social farming practices in prison – started in September 2023, it will last 36 months.

Social farming is an agricultural practice recognised for its ability to provide social, educational and therapeutic benefits to individuals or groups. It provides a pathway to employment. In the context of prisons, social farming plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation, education and vocational training of inmates.

The power of farm work for people in prison is profound. Research indicates that participation in agricultural activities can significantly improve the physical and mental well-being of prisoners while reducing re-offending rates. By addressing the underlying causes of criminal behaviour, such as lack of skills, education and employment opportunities, social farming promotes positive behaviour and personal growth in prisoners.

These programmes offer prisoners the opportunity to learn new skills, work together as a team and develop a sense of responsibility and discipline. They also promote a sense of achievement and self-esteem, which is particularly beneficial for people with low self-esteem or who have suffered trauma. Despite the popularity of social farming practices in Europe, the integration of sustainable and organic farming into prison systems remains limited. Prisoners often lack training in sustainable farming practices, maintenance and biodiversity conservation.

Recognising these gaps, our project aims to address the critical need for sustainable social farming in prisons. Through vocational training courses tailored to prison educators, we aim to equip them with the skills to teach prisoners organic and sustainable farming methods. By providing structured training and resources, we aim to promote the implementation of environmentally friendly farming practices in prisons.